It all started with a patented process for enzyme engineering and the scientific curiosity to learn what could be done with it. 20 years have passed now, and c-LEcta has grown from a research service provider into a highly successful product company that sells its enzymes in over 40 countries around the world. The foundation for all this was laid by a unique technology that has been continuously improved ever since.
Expanding horizons
Launch of DENARASE R&D grade
Establishing US warehouse for direct delivery
Breakthrough for more efficient enzyme production in Bacillus

New shareholder
Kerry group acquires majority shareholding
Start construction work for new headquarters

New products and certifications
EXCiPACT certification
Acceptance of DENARASE USA master file
Product launch of NuCLEANase, food grade

2019 - 2020
New products and record revenue
2019: Product launch of natural sweetener
2020: 10 million euros in revenue earned for the first time
Product launch of DENARASE ELISA kit

Successful audit and financing round
First successful audit by a company in the food industry
The first products are certified as kosher and halal
Third financing round completed

c-LEcta is a winning team
c-LEcta is one of the winners of the 11th European Venture Contest
Start of the distribution of DENARASE

2013 - 2016
c-LEcta is getting a product company
2013: Market focus on pharma and food
2014: c-LEcta celebrates 10th birthday
EBITDA break-even
2015: Over 1 million euros in revenue from products for the first time

New Headquarters
First prize winner of the John Sime Innovation Award 2012
ISO9001 certification
Move to the BioCube, Leipzig

2009 - 2011
Expansion and partnerships
2009: Expansion of cooperation with industry partners through agreements with BASF, Symrise, DSM and Thyssen Krupp
Second financing round completed
2011: Start of significant investments into our own product development

2005 - 2008
First successes to be recorded
2005: First research orders for industry
2006: First financing round completed
2007: First significant revenue from the sale of products

Founding of c-LEcta
c-LEcta is founded as a spin-off from the University of Leipzig.