

c-LEcta GmbH
Perlickstraße 5
04103 Leipzig

Register Court

Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 20561
VAT identification number: DE234875039

Managing Directors

Dr. Marc Struhalla
Ronan Deasy 

Photos and Videos

Die Filmagentur
Eric Kemnitz
Nick Putzmann
c-LEcta GmbH

Legal Notice

The contents available on the pages serve as general information and do not constitute any further obligations. A liability for the correctness and reproduction of the contents is excluded. We assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Therefore c-LEcta is not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and for damages.

We would also like to point out that unencrypted communication by e-mail involves certain uncertainties. We therefore exclude any liability for messages from unencrypted transmission. In the case of unencrypted initial transmission, we assume consent to further unencrypted electronic correspondence.

Any existing or future legal relationships shall be governed exclusively by German law and German courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.